Jay's Corner

Hey All - 

Summertime is upon us!  

For the UT students, regular classes at the University are over, but if you would like to do a private lesson with me now and then over the break we can arrange it.

Everything Yields To (correct) Practice!

- Jay

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Hey guys-

My last lesson with Jay was about sight reading and three note root position in major, minor, diminished, suspended, and augmented on strings 1-3. The sight reading exercises were about finding the note c in all its positions throughout the neck.

The important thing is that I'm working on sight reading, which is probably my biggest challenge right now. But Im also improving my major scale and jazz chord knowledge.

I've been practicing sight reading all the c notes for about a half hour each day, and also maj, min, dim, aug and sus4 triads for about a half hour. So I put in a total of about 1 hour a day, with the exception of Saturday and Sunday.

~Travis Ross

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